Serving the dragon otherkin community since January 1998.

Draconic News
Latest news
12-22-09, 11:17pm: News changes
News has been changed such that only System and Dragon announcements will appear for anyone not logged on. The option to email new news if requested has been implemented (this is the first news that will be emailed - older news will not). New members are now required to set their news preferences when they first log on in order to choose what they will see. That also means that old members are required to set their preferences, and I apologize that the system will call you a "new member" when you go through that process. =)
9-06-08, 12:56am: Olympic dragons
I actually didn't watch much of the olympics... Not into sports. But I did open Google one day to see the ping pong playing dragon. He's so cute! Later, a friend pointed me to all the Google olympic logos, and there's a few cute dragons.
There were also dragons in the commercials, and some beautiful birds as well.
What I thought was even cooler was at the end of the closing ceremonies, during the credits on NBC, there was a familiar song... I thought it was Jurassic Park for a moment and then it struck me... it was from Dragonheart! You can hear it here.
11-06-07, 10:36pm: Time fixed
I've corrected the daylight saving start/end dates on the web server and set it to syncronize with an atomic clock, so it should no longer keep slipping gradually away from the correct time.
7-16-07, 11:46am: Downtime due to Network Solutions Incompetence
Draconic appeared to be down for most people from Sat morning till sometime Mon because Network Solutions is incompetent. Since NS charges twice as much as most other registrars, I moved to about six months ago and have been happy with their service. So, I recently requested that be moved as well, and I then realized I had to change the DNS servers to something other than the ones NS hosts. I made that change, and it appeared to work, saying the change would take 24 hours. After 24 hours, my DNS servers were not changed as I requested, but NS stopped hosting my DNS! Therefore, could not be resolved to its IP address. I sent a support request to NS and got a useless form letter response back from them about 27 hours later (they said they'd respond in under 24). By that point, NS had finally released the domain to the control of and I fixed it easily from their end. So much for NS's claim that they provide superior customer service for their expensive rates. In less time than NS took to respond, I've gotten two lengthy, helpful, personalized responses from Tigertech support.
12-20-06, 10:25am: Reporting forum posts
I fixed the "Report post to moderator" link in the forums. Please remember to use that link whenever you see a post that's breaking forum rules (especially people who are picking fights). That helps notify our moderators to take action quickly when they don't have time to constantly read the forums. Thanks!
12-12-06, 9:10am: PHP conversion finished
I've finished converting all ASP code to PHP. The new PHP pages have the new nav bar and updated look of the rest of the site. You'll mainly see the difference in the links section. I've made all pages look better on the Opera browser (my favorite), and the font size is probably a little smaller in many places. Please email if you see any new errors or if something has become hard to read or displays incorrectly.

12-16-06 update: I changed the default font everywhere to Verdana and cleaned up the look of some additional pages, including the main menu. A lot of the admin pages have been cleaned up and some functionality added. The link checker was fixed so most links don't say "site appears to be down" anymore. A lot of links still need to be rated, if you're so inclined. Emailed replies to posts now use CSS to color the body text white, which I assume will work in more email clients (like mine).

8-28-06, 10:53am: System downtime
The last few periods of downtime were caused by a failing UPS and short power failures, as well as an odd memory leak on the web server. The UPS has been repaired and I have seen no further signs of the memory leak (I think it was actually caused by the UPS monitoring software trying to contact the UPS after I took it away to replace its battery =b ).
2-11-06, 3:31pm: Find a Dragon open search
Find a Dragon open search has been updated. The old system was still pointing to the old data of the previous Find a Dragon version, so any new users could not be found with it. This new open search is the same as the old one, except that it will find only whole words for the location. So "CA" doesn't match "Canada", and "San" doesn't match "Santa". One interesting thing to note is that searching for "CA" to find California dragons turns up a whole lot more results than using the dragon map, because a lot of people did not enter their Lat/Lon coordinates or zip code.
1-31-06, 10:12pm: Find a Dragon map complete
The new Find a Dragon map is complete. Click Find a Dragon, then Dragon map in the lower right. You can now zoom the map, and when you zoom close enough, you will see names beside each dot, and beneath the map will be a list of details about the people shown. It's a little slow on the redraw, but I think it's cool anyway, even if it's not Google Maps. If someone has access to a higher resolution world map with cities and stuff, and wants to take the time to tile it out at different zoom factors, let me know.
1-25-06, 9:37pm: Nothing to report
Sorry for the delay in account request processing. We got distracted during the holidays, but it's caught up now. I was gung-ho about finishing a Find a Dragon zoomable map and nearly had it done awhile back, and then the development server stopped turning on and I got frustrated thinking I'd have to buy a new one and rebuild the whole thing. Actually I got it to work again yesterday, though I hope it keeps up. I've been trying to work on improving my own life, to find a mate, or at least be more social RL, but I can't seem to find otherkin around LA. Even the ones I found and tried e-mailing didn't respond. Bleh. I was happily on vacation over New Years, across the country, thinking I'd found a lasting female love interest, but it fell apart and, although I wouldn't say I'm exactly depressed, I've also not been motivated to do anything productive. Still, I'll keep on trying. - KaniS

Older news...

This site is maintained by Chris Dragon (aka KaniS), along with help from others in the Draconic community.
KaniS may be reached through e-mail at
If you'd like to provide a link to Draconic from your site, please feel free to use one of the logos provided here.